TLC's Holiday Gift Guide 2019 - Tis The Season

TLC's Gift Guide 2019

Tis The Season of Health & Happiness

The older we get, the less things we want for the Holiday Season. No matter how many times we say we don’t want or need anything, we always get each other something that we know the other one will appreciate.

We ultimately believe that being present for each other during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is what’s the most important. We both crave connection and communication. We like to spend a day doing anything and everything the other one wants to do no questions asked and no complaining. It’s the other persons day!

If you are looking for some other gift ideas to get your loved ones to support their health and happiness find our ultimate recommendations below!

You will see we firmly believe that everyone should have orgonite in their homes to protect themselves and their loved ones from the unseen chaos of today’s technologically advanced society.


  1. Orgonite EMF Protection

    1. Flower of Life

    2. Pyramid

      These are sold in our office

  2. Bamboo bedding from Cariloha

  3. Gift card to your local crystal store - Jewelweed in the Twin Cities

  4. Massage with their favorite massage therapist

    1. Who doens’t need some TLC during the holidays.

  5. Mend Jewelry Necklaces

  6. Akashic Record Reading


  1. Orgonite EMF Protection

    1. Flower of Life

    2. Pyramid

      These are sold in our office

  2. Warby Parker Blue Light Blocking Glasses

  3. Organic Sleep Mask from Coyuchi

  4. Bamboo Socks from Cariloha

  5. Massage to de-stress this holiday season


  1. Clothing from Kate Quinn

    1. Sustainable + Eco Friendly for the win

  2. Books:

    1. I Am Love: A Book of Compassion

    2. I am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness

  3. Wiwiurka Toys

  4. Mini Floor Cushions by Gathre

  5. Orgonite EMF Protection

    1. Pendants

    2. Flower of Life

      These are sold in our office

Merry Everything and A Happy Always

Love & Light, 

Drs. Elizabeth & Erin