32 Years Earthside Together πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ

Another year full of









Witch Doctors
Magic Makers.jpg

Birthdays are your reminder that it’s the day that the Universe decided it couldn’t live without your magic anymore. As we approach another year around the sun, we are looking back at all the experiences and lessons we learned and want to share with you.

The biggest thing we learned from year 31 was to always remember that your perception of the world is all that really matters. What lens are you viewing the world through? Are you living in FEAR or are you living and operating from LOVE. This is a choice you have to make daily.

Take care of your internal world and you will see all the magic and beauty in the external world even if it appears to be chaotic at times. There is so much that we cannot control in the world, so we must control what we let into our lives and our reactions to what’s going on.

Energy Gurus

A year of unknowns, yet a year full of MAGIC. We are so grateful that Dr. Elizabeth was back full time in the office and that she was able to be a grounding force within our lives and in our practice.

Year 31 was a year that we really focused on EMOTIONAL HEALING. We launched our LEVEL UP, VIBRATE OUT website and EBOOK which is all focused on your emotional well being. Dr. Elizabeth took a course that changed our lives FOREVER. She is now able to deal with emotions at an even deeper level than she already was. She is the true witch doctor with her intuitive magical healing abilities. Dr. Erin’s Mama Bear instincts have been on high alert and she too is a witch doctor. Weaving our magic together if our favorite thing to do all day everyday.

Our birthday wish for you this year is that you know you are more MAGICAL & POWERFUL than anyone has led you to believe.

Our birthday wishes for you are to first step into your true power this year and always return home to your true self. The world needs you and your unique gifts more than ever. This is not the time to hide you magic. This is the time to let your LIGHT shine BRIGHT and find your tribe. Remember the only persons opinion of you that matters is YOURS. People will judge you no matter what, so you might as well like what you have to say.

2020 was a year full of people acting from a place of being triggered. If you are getting trigged, it’s an opportunity for you to look within yourself and ask yourself why is this bothering me? What else do I need to heal within myself? It’s a year to take personal responsibility for what’s going on rather than blaming someone else for triggering you. When you are getting triggered, step back, take a few breathes and return home to your true self before reacting.

We challenge you to sit with these questions and journal about what comes up for you.

  • If I wasn’t afraid of my true self being seen how would I show up differently?

  • What have I been afraid of sharing with the world?

  • What areas of my life do I need to focus on this year for me to be in my true power?

  • How can I focus on my breath this year?

  • How can I take better care of my internal world so that it can reflect into the outer world?

We love you! Here’s to a year of calling in your tribe, finding your community and doing life with those you love and those who love you for YOU!

We’ll be over here continuing to help the world heal and realize their true power. To a year full of holistic healings, intuitive eating, cosmic dancing, high vibrations, and witnessing all the magic that is ever present in our world.  


Drs. Elizabeth & Erin + Sweet Little Willow πŸ’«